As you may have noticed I have taken a recent hiatus from blogging. The truth is (like many others out there), I am struggling with maintaining this project. Some of it is time, but the root of it is the added stress that it puts on my life. I started this blog for one person, me. Originally, this blog was "look book" for me. A way for me to look back on some of my outfit creations or a reminder of an article I had completely forgotten about. It appears in the fashion blogging world that it is "taboo" to repeat an outfit. Why? I put together some looks that I really like and want to and should be able to wear again. Wearing a new or different outfit everyday is not "real world" and many people (including myself) cannot afford to do that. Starting today, I am declaring that it is o.k. for me to repeat outfits and to post pictures of repeats. In addition, I am going to start talking/documenting other aspects of my life here, such as running. Very soon I am going to start training for a race that I am very excited about and will start documenting that journey here. I do hope that you will continue to follow me.
P.S. I have posted some "looks" from the last two weeks. Check them out!
I repeat outfits all the time! My blog is kind of a style diary for me. I don't have the cash right now to buy anything new and I like certain outfits and I pretty much wear what I want. But I do get stuck in a rut once in a while.